Renters Insurance in and around Santa Rosa
Get renters insurance in Santa Rosa
Rent wisely with insurance from State Farm

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Home Is Where Your Heart Is
No matter what you're considering as you rent a home - location, number of bathrooms, price, townhome or apartment - getting the right insurance can be important in the event of the unanticipated.
Get renters insurance in Santa Rosa
Rent wisely with insurance from State Farm

State Farm Has Options For Your Renters Insurance Needs
The unexpected happens. Unfortunately, the possessions in your rented space, such as a TV, a bed and a microwave, aren't immune to abrupt water damage or accident. Your good neighbor, agent Joe Ruppe, has the knowledge needed to help you evaluate your risks and find the right insurance options to protect your personal posessions.
It's always a good idea to make sure you're prepared. Visit State Farm agent Joe Ruppe for help learning more about coverage options for your rented unit.
Have More Questions About Renters Insurance?
Call Joe at (707) 537-3660 or visit our FAQ page.
Simple Insights®
Getting rid of dust in your house
Getting rid of dust in your house
A dusty home can make asthma and allergy sufferers uncomfortable. Discover tips to help reduce or eliminate the amount of dust in your house.
House shopping: Rent vs. buy?
House shopping: Rent vs. buy?
There are many factors to consider when deciding to rent vs buy a home. Learn which option may be best for you in this infographic.

Simple Insights®
Getting rid of dust in your house
Getting rid of dust in your house
A dusty home can make asthma and allergy sufferers uncomfortable. Discover tips to help reduce or eliminate the amount of dust in your house.
House shopping: Rent vs. buy?
House shopping: Rent vs. buy?
There are many factors to consider when deciding to rent vs buy a home. Learn which option may be best for you in this infographic.